The Waving Girl bids farewell to Lady A as she departs the Global Ship Systems after a refit. She is headed for the Caribbean for the Winter. First stop Antigua.
The Lady A has been tented and they are putting the final coats on. The pink hoses are air hoses which pump fresh air into the areas being painted.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Pink Lady A . They have put a pink guide coat over the entire boat before painting the final coat. This is to make sure that every surface is covered. In the meantime, Lady A is a "Lady in Pink"
Saturday, September 24, 2005
150 horse Yamaha outboard engine. This is the engine that will be on our new tender.
Underwater lights. We are installing 6 underwater lights to light up the water in the stern of Lady A. These are very hefty lights and will make quite a show at night.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
The work continues in Savannah with the preparation of sanding and grinding before starting to paint the Lady A.
Sanding in Savannah.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Profile of Lady A with new tracking Satelite Dome.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Lady A being prepared for sanding prior to paint job.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Lady A Crew removing anchors and chain.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
First Mate Paquale and the Lady A hauled out in Savannah
Atlantic City at night from the upper deck of Lady A
Lady A at Trumps Marina in Atlantic City.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Bill and Karen celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversry on Marth's Vineyard!
Tranquil scene on Martha's Vineyard. Lady A will leave tomorrow for Atlantic City where we will be for a week before heading South.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Pasquale and Scottish friends in Boston.
Magical flowers on Nantucket. The flowers were spectacular on our visit to Nantucket and Cape Cod!
We are currently in Martha's Vineyard where we are spending a couple of weeks before heading to Atlantic City. We are working on the boat but also enjoying some free time on the waverunner and touring the island.
Lady A and crew will leave Boston today bound for the Cape. We will visit Hyannis for a few days before heading back to Nantucket. We had a great time in Boston having lunch in a real Italian resturant in Little Italy.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Lady A crew in Boston.
Friday, July 22, 2005
First Mate Pasquale at the helm.
Newport Rhode Island. Lady A in the fog.
Lady A with Philadelphia in the background.
Pasquale on board the USS New Jersey in Camden NJ.
Chief Engineer Bill Rankin and First Mate Pasquale Cassalia on Lady A
Lady A at Schaefer's Canal House on the C&D Canal.
Captains Rankin in Annapolis. Photo by Willard Crichton.
Lady A will leave Boca Raton Florida, Saturday June 18 heading north. We plan on stopping in Savannah, Georgia and Annapolis before heading to Philadelphia. Please keep checking our blog as we will try to post pictures of our trip. Any comments are welcome.
We are delighted to welcome Pasquale Cassalia aboard the Lady A as our deckhand. He will be invaluable in Europe as he speaks Italian, French and Spanish as well as being fluent in English.
Lady A gets a new deckhand.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Scenes from Corcovado National Park
Captains Bill and Karen Rankin at the Panama Canal Yacht Club
We have finally arrived in Boca Raton after a very busy winter season on the West coast. We will be at the Boca Raton Resort and Club until June 17th. I am excited about the new Lady A blog page. I hope to keep everyone informed on our whereabouts and adventures.