Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lady A in Malta

Lady A stern to in Grand Harbor Marina in Valletta, Malta. We are in the middle of the old city. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Espresso Time

We stop for an espresso in an outdoor cafe in Florence. Posted by Picasa

Benvenuto Cellini

Benvenuto Cellini "Master of the goldsmiths" by Raffaello Romanelli looks downstream in the middle of the Ponte Vecchio. The bridge is full of gold and jewerly shops. Posted by Picasa

Ponte Vecchio- The Oldest Bridge in Florence

The Ponte Vecchio has existed since the time of the the Romans but was destroyed by flooding in 1117 and again in 1333. It was built for the last time in 1345 with three very wide spans with space for shops on either side. The first to settle here were butchers and grocers, shoemakers etc. In 1591 Ferdinando I evicted them all except goldsmiths and today it is one jewelrey shop after the other with two clearings in the middle to look up and downstream. Posted by Picasa

The Magnificent Cathedral in Florence

Our trip to Florence was fantastic. It is only a couple of hour drive from Viareggio and we must go back as there is still so much to see. The cathedral was designed in 1296 by Arnolfo di Cambio. The construction took 173 years! Posted by Picasa